The Top-Rated Online Slots Casino Options:
Free Slots on the Net
slots are a strange beast. If all you care about right here and right now is
playing a free game, simply click
here and you'll have just that. Otherwise stick around for a little discussion
about the phenomenon of free slots on the net, and contribute your views if
you've got 'em.
First of all, if you've read the rest of this site, you're
familiar with our stated opinions on what drives a slots fan
to be a slots fan. It's hard to see how the argument of players
being enticed by a large payoff on a small wager applies to the
concept of free slots on the Internet. The concept of free slots
on its own is kind of an imaginary one. Not entirely though, as
it's legal in some parts of the world to purchase your own slot
machine and play it in your home, just so long as you don't attempt to profit off of other people's play.
Free slots become a reality when you step online and realize that everybody and his uncle is trying to run an online casino that offers games for free play to 'practice' on. I don't entirely understand the idea of practicing slots, I mean, don't get me wrong, its important to know which machines are best to play, and how to read the pay-out features of each specific game, but that only applies if you plan on dropping any real cash in the slot in hopes of a return.
So I guess we need to reassess what motivates free slots fans. If you take into account that the majority of people who play for free are ultimately people who have played for real (I have no data at all to back that up, but sometimes you just have to work from logical precipices), then the motivation may be related to their previous enjoyment of the game. It's not uncommon to hear of slots junkies who can't get enough of their favorite game. It makes sense then that any casino offering games that have the potential to be addictive, should attempt to lure patrons actively seeking free variations. Indeed, many slots lovers have turned to slots online to fill the time between real games.
The free slots games available have
evolved rapidly over the past two years to become much more
realistic and effectively make you feel immersed in the game. Along with
this evolution has been a corresponding jump in the number people
online in general, and a more subtle change in the relative
socio-economic status of new people going online. It used to be a
case of the rich and educated online, now it encompasses more of
America, and so the proportion of slots fans online has risen. There
are a number of advantages possible in bringing free slots to the net,
including the socialization aspect of people meeting who are interested
in the same things, the cross pollination of ideas and solid knowledge
to do with the game, and as was previously mentioned, a healthy (for
the bankroll at least) way to enjoy some free time.
Your reasons for playing our slots game are your own. If you feel
you offer a unique perspective on the utilization of free versions of
what are normally gambling games, please share.